Mount Conner, also known as Artilla or Atila, or tongue-in-cheek as Fooluru, is a mountain located in the southwest corner of the Northern Territory of Australia. Mount Conner is located 75 kilometres southeast of Lake Amadeus, in the locality of Petermann. It lies within the Curtin Springs cattle station in Pitjantjatjara country, close to the site of the …
Mount Conner, also known as Artilla or Atila, or tongue-in-cheek as Fooluru, is a mountain located in the southwest corner of the Northern Territory of Australia. Mount Conner is located 75 kilometres southeast of Lake Amadeus, in the locality of Petermann. It lies within the Curtin Springs cattle station in Pitjantjatjara country, close to the site of the Kungkarangkalpa Dreaming.
Elevation: 859 m (2,818 ft)AHD
Location: Petermann, Northern Territory, Australia