This is what is referred to as preserving parallel structure. For instance, nouns must match with nouns, adjectives with adjectives, prepositions with prepositions, and adverbs with adverbs. In order ...
Possessive adjectives come before the noun and must agree with the noun that follows them. Possessive adjectives show who something or someone belongs to. They come before the noun and must agree ...
In this way we need generate one set of operators for verbs and adjectives, which share the Chomskyan feature [+V], where verb = [+Verb, -Noun] and adjective = [+Verb] and [+Noun]. A similar thing ...
Invariable adjectives do not change their ending according to the noun they describe. We use adjectives to describe things. In Spanish, adjectives usually go after the noun. A tall boy would be un ...
You've learned that when a NA adjective modifies a noun, it takes NA at its end. So, JÔZU becomes JÔZUNA. We can change NA adjectives to adverbs by adding NI after the words. So, JÔZU becomes ...