While the Alien franchise largely focuses on Ellen Ripley's endless vendetta against the Xenomorph, the chest-busting, acid-spitting extraterrestrial menace has taken out entire space crews over ...
None of that cops-and-robbers game matters, though, when the cartel contact arrives in the resort and promptly has a xenomorph burst out of his chest. There are two sequences in Alien: Paradiso #1 ...
From there, it's a fight for Rain to find a way off Romulus and Remus without a severe chest infection ... allowing the Alien world to branch out rather than make a beeline for what's next.
Alien: Rogue Incursion is a prime example of horror done well in a VR game. It doesn’t simply bung you in a pitch-black space ...
watching a parasitic monster violently force its way out of a human chest cavity is a wholly unpleasant sight — one that’s been effectively captivating audiences since the Alien franchise ...
It's been a big year for the Alien franchise. Not only did the crowd ... that what you want is to make sure that when it comes out, people show up and want to see it. There's nothing lonelier ...