Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, offered timeless wisdom that still resonates today. Here are 10 quotes that many ...
On the eastern coast of Halkidiki in Greece lie the ruins of ancient Stagira, the birthplace of the great philosopher ...
Jokes about the elderly are socially acceptable, but it's not so funny when an elder is abused or neglected. In all ...
The ancient Greeks' three-part persuasion formula is still the best standard for judging the effectiveness of any speaker.
We have known about the phenomenon of static electricity since at least the time of Aristotle. Aristotle credits fellow ...
Many people spend years climbing the ladder of happiness, only to find that their ladder was leaning against the wrong wall.
Capital markets may be about numbers but more than that, they’re about people. When you’re pitching clients remember that, ...
Many Americans have come to disparage the idea of choosing between the “lesser of two evils” instead of embracing it as our duty.
Somewhere in the Koesberg Mountains of South Africa, located deep in the arid Karoo region north-east of Cape Town, there’s an exquisite cave painting of a curious creature. The creature, known as the ...
Russia did not become a liberal democracy, and nor did a number of its former satrapies. Few people have had more opportunity ...
Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, offered timeless wisdom that still resonates today. Here are 10 quotes that many ...