Inspired by the Halo videogame franchise, this stunning sci-fi landscape is a real-time render from Unreal Engine ...
In short, Blender is about all things art and visual expression. Now, what if you want a breathtaking render of your KiCad board? Look no further than the pcb2blender tool from [Bobbe 30350n].
Grease pencil enhancements for 2D and 3D artists. Blender 4.3 adds new upgrades to the grease pencil, allowing users to draw ...
DGS Render 2.0 introduces Blender support for 3D Gaussian splat editing, streamlining real-time graphics workflows for VFX ...
Blender is an amazingly comprehensive tool for modeling and animation, and while we’ve covered using it to create high-quality KiCad renders, this kind of animation is really something else.