In the same way that earning points on your supermarket shopping can help you get discounts later on, collecting air miles helps travellers get money off flights and other travel perks ...
This will help you to collect air miles that bit faster! However, remember that the responsibility for the card account and paying the bills rests with you! A good way to accrue points is to make ...
American Airlines has backtracked on a controversial decision which would have made it much harder to collect air miles. Earlier this year, the airline said it would start limiting which tickets ...
Metro, Inc. has been an Air Miles Rewards Program partner since 1998, allowing shoppers to collect Air Miles and redeem them for money off their grocery bill. With the end of the partnership ...
This Forbes Advisor list compares the best Air Miles credit cards in Canada to help you squeeze more Miles out of every dollar you spend. Bonus Points: Collect extra Miles on credit card purchases ...
Recyclers can now get recognition for their efforts by collecting two Air Miles for every unit deposited in any one of the 15 ReVa reverse vending machines located across Tecom business parks.