A 15-year-old boy named Yuvraj Rana allegedly shot himself after searching for information about the afterlife online. The incident occurred at his home, where no suicide note was found. Initial ...
According to police, Yuvraj Rana, who was in Class 9, searched about Garuda Purana, what happens after death, methods of ...
According to the scriptures, just as a person is born, death is also inevitable, and after death, the soul leaves the body ...
According to police, Yuvraj Rana, who was in class 9, searched about 'Garuda Purana', 'what happens after death', 'methods of ...
After Ramana Avatara, a modern adaptation of epic Ramayana, actor Rishi returns with Rudhra Garuda Purana for which the teaser was released recently. The Kannada film will also hit the screens in ...
The story centers on a string of rapes and murders across the state, perplexing authorities, as the bodies found, don't match the missing victims and hold on no clue about the missing victims.
and Jyoti is using her charm to fulfill her materialistic needs. Garud Puran is a comedy-based drama that revolves around these four characters and their journey.
Rishi, known for his performances in Operation Alamelamma and Kavaludaari, is set to make a powerful comeback with the action-thriller Rudra Garuda Purana. Originally slated for release on ...
"The makers of Rudra Garuda Purana were looking for a concept-based song, so we carefully built the words around that idea to better illustrate the political status quo of the state. The song ...