after meeting Gundam pilot Shuji Ito (Shimba Tsuchiya), Machu learns to co-pilot the gMS-Ω GQuuuuuuX. Designer Take’s (best known for her work on the Pokémon franchise) distinctive style ...
“We would love for kimono fans and those interested in Gundam to wear them," said Soichiro ... Its obi is made using Kyoto-style “yuzen” dyeing techniques to incorporate the motifs of ...
The preview event took place at the NASA Space Center in Houston which was fitting for the space setting that Mobile Suit ...
The couple posted their best wishes to Elle and John, adding a picture of their own Gundam-style wedding cake for inspiration. Like any love story, whether partially or mainly based on Japanese ...
Now, the popular anime robot Gundam is set to tower over the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo. Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. announced on June 26 that it will display a life-size model of Gundam at its ...
Aspiring Gundam pilots unite ... fighting machine is to choose complementary parts with good stats for the play-style you feel comfortable with. For example, if you want focus on long-range ...
Ollie Barder covers Japanese pop-culture and gaming from Tokyo. The premise of G Gundam also overlaps a little with Pokémon, as Pokémon trainers battle each other to see who can win. So having ...