A new program, LongChat, is a new entry into the ham radio software world that could bring chatting back to ham radio. [Tech Minds] has a video covering it (and using it), which you can see below.
When I was a kid living near Grantsville, West Virginia, some of my neighbors were into amateur ham radio. I found their analog electronics and antennas and their mastery of Morse code fascinating.
The annual conference of the Ham Radio University, which was formed in 1999, was held Saturday at LIU Post in Brookville.
When we think open source, our mind naturally turns to software, usually *NIX-based, running on Linux. What most people tend not to think about is the open-source nature of Amateur Radio. While ...
software and antennas.” Robert Mycko, of Jessup, the vice president of the Scranton Pocono Amateur Radio Club and a licensed amateur radio operator, helped Santa just last night. “I did two ...