Contemporary logic circuits use MOSFETs as the elements to build gates, but there are many ways to implement them. Using relays is one of them, and you can literally see how they work.
Mostly-Analog editor Andy Turudic takes a look at the original 1963 ISSCC paper that described the world’s first CMOS process ...
One of the goals of the switching algebra is to use math to reduce circuits, represented by expressions, to their simplest or, in some cases, a form using specific logic gates. There are math ...
A collection of transistors and resistors that implement Boolean logic operations in a digital circuit. Logic gates have one or two 0 or 1 inputs but only one 0 or 1 output as in the following ...
This complementary behavior is exploited in CMOS circuit design to create a system where only one type of transistor is on and conducting current at any given time, significantly reducing power ...
Here’s a blast from the past as we reprint our news from NYC’s 1961 IRE show—the first integrated logic circuits in TO-5 and ...
In previous research, Chunhai Fan, Wang and colleagues developed a programmable DNA integrated circuit with many logic gates that act as instructions for the circuit's operations. Here's how it ...
Computers use electrical circuits which have two states – on or off. This can also be represented as 1 or 0 or True and False. Logic gates take an input of True or False and give an output of ...
In its most basic form, a computer is a collection of powered and unpowered circuits and transistors. A logic gate is a series of transistors connected together to give one or more outputs ...