Donald Macleod introduces the life and music of Beethoven during the turbulent years from 1806 to 1812, when he produced some of the greatest masterpieces of his life.
32 x 28 cm. (12.6 x 11 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
Fired by ambitions to turn his gifted son into a second Mozart, Johann van Beethoven would keep him slaving at the piano all night, raining blows on him when he made a mistake. Young Ludwig was an ...
One stormy Monday in March, 1827, the German composer ... 1572 and the conception of Ludwig van Beethoven seven generations ...
Beethoven, who suffered from several ailments, had asked for his body to be studied A US businessman has donated fragments of what is believed to be Ludwig ... 1770 and died on 27 March 1827.
Donald Macleod considers how Beethoven was affected by the various crises in his life. He focuses on the music and events in and around five significant years, beginning in 1803 ...