Mattingly: The cloak worn by St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin made from rough cactus materials should have deteriorated after ...
The framed cloak is displayed behind the high altar of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the foot ... fiber cloak without using the word “miracle.” “We are dealing with mysterious ...
Despite the bitter cold that’s descended on Chicagoland, thousands of people are making their way to visit the shrine of the ...
An incredible list of miracles, cures and interventions are attributed to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Each year an estimated 10 million people visit her Basilica, making her Mexico City home the most ...
December 12th is celebrated in the Catholic community as a feast day to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Through her intercessions, many miracles have been reported. One such miracle attributed to her help ...
This month, December 12, marks the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico with the Feast Day or Our Guadalupe. Our Lady of Guadalupe first introduced herself as the Mother of God and the ...