You can safely put out food for birds in wintertime if you take some simple precautions. While feeding birds isn’t necessary ...
Birds will eat snow to keep from dehydrating, but this means their bodies must work harder to keep warm. Keep your bird baths clean and filled with fresh water. Even in the winter a birdbath will get ...
A tube feeder or a platform feeder is ideal for dispensing black oil sunflower seeds, as it allows easy access for both small and larger birds. Nyjer Seeds for Goldfinches and Pine Siskins Nyjer ...
use it in a platform feeder, or scatter it on the ground. Because of their short and tiny beaks, finches prefer smaller seeds ...
“For example, thistle seed (also called nyjer} attracts finches primarily ... favorite foods using the Project FeederWatch Common Feeder Birds Interactive,” Grieg says. Peanuts—shelled ...