Uttar Pardesh ,In Ghaziabad Noorpur village, on Tuesday night, a heavy bull suddenly fell into a well. When the villagers came to know about this, they informed the administration about it. Chief Fire ...
A convoy escorting Himachal Pradesh Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla to a wedding in Lucknow met with a minor accident on Tuesday morning. An auto cut in front of the convoy, causing a chain reaction ...
The MANF and the Padho Pardesh were stopped due to overlap with similar programmes from other ministries. The ministry has assured that current beneficiaries will continue to receive support.
Desh Re Joya Dada Pardesh Joya is a romantic action comedy Gujarati movie, Directed and Produced by Govindbhai Patel. Featuring Hiten Kumar, Roma Manik and Ramesh Mehta in the lead roles ...