Don't dump a bag of fries in the air fryer and hope for the best. Here's how to make your next batch the crispiest ever.
Air-fry in small batches at 180C for 5–7 minutes or until dry and browning. The parsnip and smaller beetroot crisps might be done first. Leave to crisp up on trays or plates while you cook the rest.
Instead, make your own cinnamon-dusted version in the air fryer in just 25 minutes -- a measly amount of time compared to the hours that homemade apple chips take in the oven. This healthier snack ...
A grandmother is planning to cook Christmas dinner for 11 people using only air fryers ...
Bake for 5–10 minutes, or until crisp and ... This parsnip soup will freeze brilliantly (without the croûtons) for up to three months. To make croûtons in an air fryer, simply toss the bread ...