They are considered one of the most invasive species in the marine environment, destroying seagrass, devouring baby crab and salmon and ... said Wasson. The Monterey Bay Aquarium's sea otter ...
ELKHORN SLOUGH – Though sea otters are an unofficial mascot of Monterey County and popular amongst tourists and locals alike, they are also described as voracious predators that help keep ...
A recent study found sea otters are eating thousands of green crabs at a California reserve, reducing the invasive species’ population.
She's only been known to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Sea Otter Research and Conservation team (SORAC) for six weeks - but she's already shown remarkable maternal behaviour. She's believed to be ...
Researchers believe otters could be a potential solution for controlling an invasive green crab species that's invaded ecosystems up and down the West Coast.
Otters have a reputation as fun ... Experts from the department and the Monterey Bay Aquarium have attempted to capture her, but the otter is still on the loose. Island sees bigger issues at ...
Our first win for these otters was in 2000 when, in response to pending litigation by the Center and allies, the California Department of Fish and Game shut down a set-gillnet fishery and effectively ...
They are considered one of the most invasive species in the marine environment, destroying seagrass, devouring baby crab ... said Wasson. The Monterey Bay Aquarium's sea otter rehabilitation ...
They are considered one of the most invasive species in the marine environment, destroying seagrass, devouring baby crab ... said Wasson. The Monterey Bay Aquarium's sea otter rehabilitation ...