The Gardiner Brothers, a tap dancing duo from Ireland, took to YouTube to share their latest video, tap dancing to "What is This Feeling?" from Wicked. The pair performed an original tap number ...
The Greatest Tap Dance Stars and their Stories, 1900-1955,” Rusty Frank; marathon tapper Dorothy Nichols; and director, choreographer and writer Mark Marchillo, who toured as a dancer for Beyoncé.
Getting the opportunity to watch a true virtuosic talent is rare. Thankfully, Cambridge residents and visitors can watch ...
Get a ticket, if you still can, to her illuminating and immensely entertaining new play “Diary of a Tap Dancer” – being given ...
Jordan presents a truly bizarre Gatsby. Granted, his tap dancing is an odd spectacle. There's also the mid-Atlantic accent that Jordan uses to suggest the character's patrician aspirations.
I just want to dance,” Ayodele Casel declared to a packed audience at the Loeb Drama Center in Cambridge. She picked up the pace of her tap dancing as she spoke, evoking joyful resistance ...