What do you do if your tee shot results in an embedded ball? Can you still get free relief or take an unplayable? Rules Guy ...
For example, a player removes a pine cone near his or her ball and improves the conditions ... the restrictions in Rule 12.2b(1) continue to apply. For example, if a player’s tee shot is unplayable in ...
Your buddy’s argument, unlike the ground, doesn’t hold water: There are several instances covered by the Rules where the ball isn’t completely at the bottom of the cup or totally at rest and ...
Golfers can't tee up their ball on a hole ahead of the tee markers from the tees they're playing. However, golfers often ...
A. If your ball falls off the tee before you play your stroke, there is no penalty and you may put your ball back on the tee. You may also choose to move your tee to another spot in the teeing area or ...