"Master of None," the new Netflix comedy co-created by Aziz Ansari, is one of the most critically-acclaimed new shows on television. One of the show's standouts was the episode "Indians on TV ...
Aziz Ansari announced on Tuesday that he will embark on the “Hypothetical Tour” in 2025, with a stop at the Paramount Theatre on April 3. Ansari will also be at Long Beach’s Terrace Theater ...
The post Aziz Ansari Announces 2025 North American Standup Tour appeared first on Consequence. Aziz Ansari has announced a North American standup comedy tour for 2025. The 27-city “Hypothetical ...
We're in the midst of our end-of-year fundraising campaign ... Please make a contribution today and help us reach our goal. Aziz Ansari has just announced the Hypothetical Tour, which will ...
A native of Columbia, Ansari is an award-winning comedian, actor, director, and writer. He is known for playing the role of Tom Haverford on the hit NBC show “Parks and Recreation” from 2009-2015.
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – South Carolina’s own Aziz Ansari will bring the laughs to Charleston early next year as part of his newly announced “Hypothetical Tour.” A native of Columbia ...