“The deer mouse (genus Peromyscus) is the most abundant mammal in North America and it occupies almost every type of ...
Deer mice construct spherical or cup-shaped nests of shredded plant fibers, fur, and feathers under logs, stumps, rocks in the abandoned dens of other mammals, but prefers natural cavities of tress.
But what they saw shocked them: Despite an abundance of their main food sources, the squirrels also hunted and ate small rodents called voles. The researchers said their study, published Wednesday ...
Scientists teaching rats to drive have discovered that not only are the rodents capable of operating their tiny cars, but they actually enjoy it and even get a kick out of revving their engines.
With its stocky, flat build, badgers are powerful, relentless hunters, and are constantly pursuing the rodents that compose ... Aside from grasshopper, prey include deer mice, pocket mice, and ...