As we march into the heart of respiratory virus season, here's what to know about what's circulating in Seattle and ...
To best protect yourself, it’s important to know what pneumonia is, who is most at risk, what the early signs of it are and ...
Both bronchitis and pneumonia cause a cough that sometimes produces phlegm, a thick type of mucus that’s made in your chest. You can tell the difference between bronchitis and pneumonia by ...
Pneumonia can be caused by a virus, bacteria or fungus. Each of these can cause an immune reaction in the tissues of the ...
Conner: Tell us about the new recommendations for the pneumonia vaccine.
THE BELMONT County Health Department advises teachers and parents to watch for symptoms of pediatric pneumonia, which is on ...
But any type of pneumonia can be dangerous, particularly in people older than age 85, who are four times more likely to acquire it than those under age 65. Fatalities are especially common among ...
This year, in addition to more familiar respiratory viruses like influenza, RSV and SARS-CoV-2, local health experts are also ...