The city of Leander announced Monday it will move from Phase 2 to Phase 4 water restrictions starting on Dec. 30 ahead of the ...
TETRA Technologies introduces Oasis TDS, a water treatment and desalination technology for reusing produced water in the ...
The Brushy Creek Regional Utility Authority (BCRUA) water treatment plant is expected to be offline for one week while a new ...
The city of Leander is shifting to Phase 4 water conservation starting Dec. 30 in preparation for the BCRUA water treatment ...
The city of Aiken broke ground on a new water treatment plant. It will replace a plant that was built in 1953 and that has ...
County officials plan to tap into the funds raised by the 0.125% increase for a water reuse project that will allow treated ...
The project, which is budgeted at $2 million, will construct a raw water pump station, water line and appurtenances to supply the irrigation ... Reservoir Water Treatment Plant at 2101 Wakarusa ...
"The city says this upgrade will allow for future plant expansion to provide Leander with an additional 12 MGD of water ...