Other workflow routing is defined by the user organizations using the WORKFLOW APPROVAL MAINTENANCE (WAM) form. Workflow from the requestor to Central Administration is referred to as the end user ...
Workflows are used to create a multi-step approval process for a form submission. Workflows are attached to forms on CampusGroups. They allow you to see the submissions of the respective form and take ...
Each individual within the workflow process has the responsibility of ensuring that travel ... Also, the traveler verifies that the submitted expenses are reasonable and appropriate. Project Approval ...
The main difference in the workflow is determined by the type of students ... Please note, however, that the formal process simply documents the approval chains needed to bring a new program into ...
Requisitions (REQ) are budget-checked and require approval in NUFinancials prior to being sourced ... It is recommended that departments/schools make decisions based on a competitive bid process for ...