His fictional franchise has created a global phenomenon. However, the gaming community would call Yugi Mutou's Atem alter ego a "munchkin" who breaks the game and plays to win at all costs.
A franchise with a 25 year long run! Konami has finally shown its hand. The company is bringing us the Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection next year. The collection will include 14 games in total.
If you're looking forward to the Early Days Collection, you can bide the time with a couple of new Yu-Gi-Oh anime Blu-ray releases. The original Yu-Gi-Oh movie received a steelbook edition in ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG in its current form is a very complicated game — far more complicated than when it first arrived on the scene 25 years ago — and so the scripted duel throws a lot at you.