We recommend you use both a VPN and a private browser – the former creates a secure and private connection between your device and the server, while the latter encrypts the final leg of the journey — ...
En tant que membre du réseau « TeleTrusT – Bundesverband IT-Sicherheit e.V. », Avira s'engage à respecter les principes directeurs de la devise « IT Security made in Germany » (la sécurité ...
Unlike hit-and-run attacks, APTs exploit vulnerabilities to get in, and once inside, the attacker monitors traffic to steal the desired information. In this respect, APTs are to antivirus what stealth ...
What is a security breach? It is the unauthorized access of information on networks, servers, or devices, getting around security on those systems, ultimately resulting in data leakage. Security ...
Wenn ein Paket unerwartet vor Ihrer Tür landete, bedeutete das früher, dass Sie wahrscheinlich Geburtstag hatten. Heutzutage aber könnte nicht ein liebender Verwandter, sondern ein Betrüger ...
Olası yasal kısıtlamalara tabi olmak kaydıyla, kiÅŸisel olarak tanınmaya neden olacak bilgilerinizle ilgili olarak tarafımıza karşı aÅŸağıdaki haklara sahipsiniz Yasalar gereÄŸi, baÅŸvuruyu gerçekleÅŸtiren ...
Vous avez peut-être déjà vu le message suivant, lorsque vous êtes sur un site internet : « Souhaitez-vous vous connecter à l’aide de votre compte Facebook ? » Partager vos identifiants de comptes ...
Avira Crypto software is a specialized feature of your Avira Product. The feature allows you to use your personal computer’s computation power for low-volume cryptocurrency mining while maintaining ...
Bei welcher Phishing-Methode werden Textnachrichten an das Smartphone eines potenziellen Opfers verschickt? Falls Sie mit „Smishing“ geantwortet haben, dann liegen Sie richtig. Lesen Sie weiter, um zu ...
Para algumas pessoas, a privacidade diz respeito apenas à forma de se comunicar com outros indivíduos, esquecendo que isso também tem a ver com quanto somos rastreados e monitorados online. De fato, ...
Windows 7 veya 8'den Windows 10'a geçmeyi düÅŸünüyorsanız bunu her 3 iÅŸletim sistemi ile tamamen uyumlu ve hepsi için optimize edilmiÅŸ Avira Free Antivirus ile yapabilirsiniz.