The world’s leaders meet early next week at the United Nations (U.N.) headquarters in New York to adopt the Pact for the ...
This paper provides an analysis of how current and projected climate change risks are affecting production and trade by the major cereal producers, exporters and importers in international markets. We ...
Two new educational posters can be ordered free of charge from the Minnesota DNR Information Center at 651-296-6157 or 1-888-646-6397. Mussels of Minnesota - Pictures of 48 mussel (clam) species are ...
Under a damp awning of yellowing bigleaf maples, Judith Starbuck is laying waste to a patch of English ivy. A vine at a time, she rips and tugs at the menace creeping through Madrona Woods. Starbuck ...
Many chefs understand the benefits of buying directly from a local farmer. Local farmers are can provide a fresh tasting, high quality product with a longer shelf life. A chef that develops an ongoing ...
The Government has decided to accede to the Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property and its facilitation treaty, the Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT). This is expected to provide a ...
BONN, Apr 13 (IPS) - Germany's development ministry has initiated a process of intensive consultation with non-governmental organisations, researchers and scientists in a concerted bid to help ensure ...
Read the full Meat Atlas 2021: Facts and figures about the animals we eat, by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Friends of the Earth Europe and BUND. The following is an excerpt contributed by IATP.
There exists a class of super antibiotics never approved for use in animals, and for good reason: They are critically needed for treating certain serious life-threatening infections in humans, and any ...
Coming October 2 from the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment, a new four-part podcast series about factory farms, ...
The term “bet” or “betting” is frequently used in reporting about the trading of commodity futures contracts. For example, “Wheat Climbs as Bearish Investors Trim Bets Among Crop Woes,” the headline ...
Does land conservation protect the bottom line? Leading experts in the field assert that it does. This publication presents quantitative and authoritative research on the economic benefits land ...