NBS accountancy alumnus Vikna Rajah who is now a tax lawyer, and NTU biology scholar Goh Hui Ting who ventured into media, ...
How can we help you? What are the affordances of generative artificial intelligence in transforming teaching and learning? How do we enhance education through the science of learning? How do we ...
The Grants and REsearch AdvancemenT (GReAT) Series, an initiative by the Research Grants Management @ GPL, showcases NIE researchers and their research projects. The intention is to celebrate their ...
How can we help you? Believing all children can learn Nurturing every learner holistically Valuing diversity This encompasses the "belief that all children can learn", "commitment to nurturing the ...
Each course will start on Saturday and ends on the following Saturday. Saturday, 9:30 am-1130am: Live online – Module Introduction, presentation, assignment requirement. From Sunday to Friday – ...
How can we help you? The global economy is moving into an era of Intelligence Augmentation (IA). Science fiction often portrays “intelligence” as involving complementary roles of reckoning and ...
How can we help you? Advances in imaging techniques, behavioural and psychological research enable the integration of disciplines that investigate human learning, opening up possibilities for the ...
02 Oct 2024 at 08.30 AM - 04 Oct 2024 at 03.00 PM School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), NTU ...
How can we help you? This annual school level award was set up in 2019 to recognize faculty members’ research achievements. The Award Evaluation Committee has evaluated and selected the award winners ...
Senior lecturer Malini Thyagesan used to dislike having her photograph taken and would be upset when people pulled their children away from her. But she has now come to accept her skin condition ...