When the discussion is about HTML5 vs. Native code to deliver apps it is very hard to come to a consensus. There is a massive animosity against the web and myths prevail over realities and ...
The current blow to the open web that is the Net Neutrality ruling feels terrible to me. My generation saw the web emerge and many of us owe our careers to it. I am not surprised that it came to this.
Ok, I am an impatient person. I also love to hack around with things. You may or may not know about an experiment in Chromium Developer Tools called CSS Overview. What it does is give you an excellent ...
This is part of the web truths series of posts. A series where we look at true sounding statements that we keep using to have endless discussions instead of moving on. Today I want to tackle the issue ...
This is part of the web truths series of posts. A series where we look at true sounding statements that we keep using to have endless discussions instead of moving on. Today I want to tackle the issue ...
YQL is a very cool tool to extract data from HTML documents on the web. Let’s face facts: HTML is a terrible data format as far too many documents out there are either broken, have a wrong encoding or ...
I am currently at MozCamp in Berlin and my job was to entice all the contributors to the Mozilla project to get out of their shell and start speaking at events about all the great stuff they do. It ...
As part of my Tile Editor I needed a way to shift an image by x pixels left, right, up or down. I didn’t need to move the image, I needed to shift the pixels of the image. This allows you now to shift ...
A few weeks ago, I released http://removephotodata.com as a tool. It is a simple web app (well, a page) that allows you to remove the EXIF data of an image before ...