Around the world, there are destinations that are blessed with some truly memorable sunsets, where the skies are simply set ablaze. No matter your style, everyone can agree on a stunning sunset.
For 13 long years, Americans couldn't get a drink. Not legally. The 18th Amendment banned the manufacture, sale and transportation of liquor, and as of Jan. 17, 1920, Prohibition began. Until the 21st ...
As the saying goes, "Even bad pizza is pretty good." But there are some pizzas that are much better than "still pretty good" — they're out-of-this-world amazing. The following pizza places are the ...
In a dump, used glass soda bottles are a toxic eyesore. But when rolled and softened by the waves, then spit out onto a shore, they become something extraordinary: colored pieces of stone. It takes ...
San Sebastian is just the beginning. When people think of beaches and Europe they immediately think of the rustic chic of the Greek Islands and the glitz and glamour of the French Riviera. But while ...
Even though these happen to be the least-visited countries in the world doesn't mean they aren't worth journeying to — and here's why. If you’ve battled the crowds of Dubrovnik, elbowed your way down ...
The U.S. is home to an astonishing 423 national parks, monuments and nationally protected lands comprising the vast National Park Service (NPS) system. Sixty-three areas are classified as national ...
Every country will argue that its capital city is the best of the best (as they should!). Yes, tourism numbers may show favorites based on popularity, but does that mean the most-visited capital ...
Scientists have estimated that there are 8.7 million animal species on Earth. Some of these are fierce (lions, sharks, tigers). Some are adorable (rabbits, deer, otters). And others are, well, really ...
Every country is different, and every country's laws are different. Sometimes, these laws border on the seriously ridiculous, and other times they point to important cultural values that might be ...
Not all airports are equal. When AirHelp announced its ranking of 132 airports across the world, Hamad International Airport in Qatar, Haneda Airport in Tokyo and Athens International Airport were ...
For many travelers, the warmth of the welcome they receive in a foreign country can make or break their trip. After all, who wants to travel halfway around the world only to be met with hostility?