In 2019, Robyn from Birmingham, a young ambassador for Albert Kennedy Trust who had grown up in an abusive family before coming out as LGBT+ was disowned by her family for being transgender. Shahnaz ...
Despite the controversy surrounding his reign as Gaborone City Council Mayor, Kagiso Thutlwe’s plan to keep Gaborone alive and vibrant is not taking strain. His inaugural Mayor’s Cup was a hit, and ...
Dave Van Niekerk Addresses Business Weekly’s Latest Front-Page Attack Serame defies Masisi on “No Protests” Archives preserves governance- Rakgare ...
Dave Van Niekerk Addresses Business Weekly’s Latest Front-Page Attack Serame defies Masisi on “No Protests” Archives preserves governance- Rakgare ...
Dave Van Niekerk Addresses Business Weekly’s Latest Front-Page Attack Serame defies Masisi on “No Protests” Archives preserves governance- Rakgare ...
Ndulamo Anthony Morima EAGLE WATCH Recently, there has been troubling reports of corruption, with allegations that some in power and those close to power are involved in corrupt practices which have ...
Former Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) Secretary General Botsalo Ntuane has warned that recent events will most likely lead to unprecedented violence in the history of Botswana in the build up towards ...
Notwithstanding the increase in the number of branches, Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA) is faced with challenges of serving people from other parts of the country where they do not ...
Corporal punishment has long been a controversial issue, with concerns raised about its effectiveness and potential harm. In response to international pressure, the government of Botswana has taken ...
The efforts by ex-minister of Local Government and Rural Development Peter Siele to mend fences between two families which both claim are rightful heirs to the Kang chieftainship have failed, Weekend ...
Socialization is said to be a societal process which often leads to Gender Based Violence (GBV), especially for women and toxic masculinity for men and boys. It sets the power norms and acts as a ...
Court of Appeal (CoA) has today discharged and acquitted a death row inmate Tsholofelo Maselwa. The Zwenshambe born was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of Chifana Ndaya, 70, last year.