Tokyo, a bustling metropolis with a population of 14 million, was once known as Edo. The city's transformation began over 400 years ago with the establishment of the Edo-era military government which ...
David Smyth joined team RW to experience the first UK Ekiden and delves into the history, culture and significance of the long-distance relay race format.
Japan's nuclear plants faced global scrutiny after the devastating 2011 tsunami triggered by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake.
A strong, 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of southern Japan on Monday, according to the United States ...
The sumo museum has a full-sized wrestling ring and visitors with a foreign passport are granted free entry.
It is actually unlikely that you will happen across a crested ibis in the wild. The native toki of Sado went extinct over ...
Travellers are spoilt for choice in Japan — whether a first-timer to the country or a repeat visitor, try these alternative ...
Japan and Indonesia have pledged to deepen economic and defense ties during a visit by the Japanese prime minister amid ...
TravelWell in Tokyo, Japan with our must-do travel tips for Ueno and Shinjuku! We had a fun-filled two days exploring these two wonderful parts of Tokyo, finding some of the best things to see, do and ...
Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba has begun a tour of Malaysia and Indonesia as part of his effort to further strengthen ...
Surrounded by the vast Pacific Ocean, Japan’s Ise-Shima region is a place where ancient traditions, spirituality and the great outdoors collide.