Kotaro Lives Alone is an absolutely heart wrenching anime series that follows four-year-old Kotaro, a strange young boy who moves into an apartment by himself next to an overworked manga artist.
All the major streamers have packed schedules, with plenty of new and returning fan-favorite shows set to arrive throughout ...
In io9’s annual “in memoriam” post, we pay tribute to actors, directors, artists, composers, writers, creators, and other ...
But boy, is it ever entertaining to watch ... that deftly captures the malaise of youth and Rez life.” Sterling Archer is an agent for a dysfunctional intelligence agency in this animated ...
In Nick Park’s latest charming stop-motion animated film, the inventor-beagle team discovers the joys and dangers of technology. By Manohla Dargis A bleak if repetitive thriller centers on a ...
For years, romance anime has ruled the hearts of anime viewers. And Boys Love anime, also known as BL anime, is a special sub-genre in romance that explores romantic relationships between male ...
Looking for all the new Anime Adventures codes? As a tower defense game, Anime Adventures challenges you to collect popular anime characters and deploy them to protect your base. Of course, it can ...
Completed in 2023 and never lived in, the 6,524-square-foot contemporary home sits on nearly 3.5 ...
The voice of Peggy Woolley, June Spencer stops recording.