An animation involving the Arsenal cannon shooting the Spurs cockerel went viral on Sunday - it was not an official ...
Modern-day sophistry goes by various names: Disinformation, political spins, propaganda-setting, and now, after Donald ...
The ancient Greeks' three-part persuasion formula is still the best standard for judging the effectiveness of any speaker.
Capital markets may be about numbers but more than that, they’re about people. When you’re pitching clients remember that, ...
As deployed by Aristotle, ethos refers to character ... be transformed merely by skilful manipulation of some classical rhetorical terms. The Democrats wouldn’t be in their current happy ...
Aristotle’s Rhetoric is our first surviving work to divide oratory into three types (eidē) or species (genē): “deliberative” (sumbouleutikon); “forensic” or “dicanic” (dikanikon); “epideictic” or ...
Ancient Greece built brands that rival any modern corporation. They did so by harnessing visual, verbal, and experiential mediums.
While Calgary’s water crisis is not the mayor’s fault, Gondek is at fault for eroding public trust early on in her tenure. It ...
Based on the Greek verb hermēneuō (to interpret), hermeneutics investigates interpretation’s theory and practice. From ...
Significant throughout time, announcements  have long served as a method of persuasion, an integral part of human society, ...
The Democrats’ repositioning as the party of “normalcy” undercuts its history of emancipatory social movements and ...
Democracy in America: what is it? Whatever it is, we know that it is under siege. Barely a moment goes by these days without ...