An elastically-delicious appetizer has taken social media by storm. Chili’s Fried Mozzarella, which was first added to the menu in mid-2022, has recently been racking up millions of views on Tik ...
The Plant Base is the go to B2B news platform for the plant-based food and beverage industry. Refreshment is your ultimate resource for staying informed and up-to-date on the water cooler, vending ...
It quickly sparked a social media backlash, where furious users claimed the additive was unsafe and called for a boycott of Arla products – even posting videos pouring Arla milk down the drain – ...
Arla Foods announced the trial of the supplement last Tuesday as part of an attempt to reduce the emissions produced by the cows in their production lines. But the announcement has received 13,000 ...
Arla Foods, a Danish-Swedish company and the fifth biggest dairy company in the world, recently announced plans to introduce an additive known as Bovaer to its cow feed, in an attempt to reduce ...
Arla Foods, the Danish-Swedish dairy cooperative that owns butter brands such as Lurpak and Anchor, announced last month that 30 of its UK farms will trial the Boevar feed additive. Great ...
Arla Foods announced the trial of the supplement last Tuesday as part of an attempt to reduce the emissions produced by the cows in their production lines. The feed additive known as Bovaer will ...
Man kan konstatera att falska nyheter sprider sig väldigt snabbt, säger Max Wallenberg som är presschef för Arla Sverige. Mejerijätten har börjat ge tillskottet Bovaer för att minska ...
Farmer-owned dairy co-op Arla found itself at the centre of an online storm last week over its trials of the Bovaer cow-feed supplement, designed to reduce methane emissions from cows. The supplement, ...