The Green Bay Packers and Philadelphia Eagles are bringing the NFL to Brazil. The national anthem for both the United States and Brazil will kick things off.
A few thousand demonstrators, clad in the yellow-and-green colors of Brazil's flag, poured onto Av. Paulista. References to ...
Itaituba, often referred to as the “City of Gold,” is at the heart of a complex and controversial gold mining economy in the ...
Before the game, São Paulo-raised singer Zeeba performed the American National Anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner." Zeeba was ...
By Fernanda Wenzel “There won’t be anything left here,” Maria Márcia told Mongabay through text message while observing fire ...
Urged on by beleaguered ex-president Jair Bolsonaro, thousands of demonstrators from Brazil's political right took to the ...
The suspension imposed by the STF is an act of mass censorship unprecedented in Brazil since the end of the 1964-85 ...
The Workers Party government has failed to inform the population about the latest wave of the pandemic in Brazil, while ...
As democracies grapple with misinformation, Brazil’s hardline approach is seen by some as a potential model. The country has ...
Wes Wong, a former FBI agent who was one of the first responders at the World Trade Center on 9/11, will be speaking on ...
While is working on its own games, it's also become a publisher and plans to release Lynked: Banner of the Spark, from a new ...