The House of Representatives dedicated a week to passing China-themed legislation, primarily centered on restricting Chinese ...
Premier Li Qiang said on Wednesday the development of venture capital is critical to sci-tech innovation, industrial ...
The researchers will lose their access to CERN, which operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world, by ...
Some Chinese firms are rumoured to be turning to the black market to get their hands on these coveted chips. But the majority ...
In a video, Fukaya said Chinese students reminded him of Japanese students’ strong focus and dedication to studying mathematics.
The world might be witnessing the bending of a key climate curve. Various projections have suggested that carbon emissions ...
Can China innovate and outcompete the US in their pitched battle for technological supremacy? A 20-month investigation into ...
The chilling effect it created within the U.S. scientific community continues to threaten American primacy in science and ...
The first phase of China's moon base will be completed around 2035 near the lunar south pole, and an extended model will be ...
In a shocking report recently presented during a Capitol Hill event, ITIF claims that in the next 10 years, China could overtake the US and Europe in most of the key technologies.
These efforts are about to be given a big boost. Recent breakthroughs in recycling, together with a spate of technological ...
Lawmakers took up more than two dozen mostly Republican-led measures aimed at countering Beijing’s technological, political ...