As the first DS to be 100 per cent electric straight out of the gate, with no ICE or hybrid option, the No. 8 makes more of a fuss about elegant design, inside and out, than ever before. For once, ...
The original DS Phat may be clunky and have a small screen, but it has undeniable charm and appealing color schemes. The 2DS looks nice and has durable buttons, but feels somewhat cheap.
Thanks to some of the best DS games, it’s hard to believe that when Nintendo revealed the handheld, it was treated as something of an experiment. After a few years, everyone and their mum owned a DS ...
@mentusfentus: 3DS Theme: Fixed crashing when launching apps from top bar without hovering on an icon. @edo9300: Fixed issues when running on SuperCard Rumble flashcarts.
The Email Bomber is made for research and testing purposes only. Email Bombercan send bulk mail or SMS text messages.