The most powerful Christian deity is divided into three primary forms: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. With so many ...
Researchers think they have identified a biblical site known as Mahanaim, along with a residence that may have been used by ...
I chuckled when I came across the reasoning of some mere mortals disparaging the testimony of His Excellency, the Governor of ...
Each angel and orb in this work of Edward Burne-Jones reminds us of God’s orderly, purposeful act of creation.
New York isn’t just a haven for Christians from around the world; it’s also a sanctuary for their rare and dying dialects.
The influential scholar who taught the narrative unity of Scripture and changed his mind about the morality of homosexuality ...
In "Atheistic Christianity,” Carlson invites readers to look beyond conventional belief systems, including the notion that ...
The fact that the major religions of the world reached the identical conclusions furnishes the ultimate validation that nature reveals that God exists.
Families gathered, exchanged presents and celebrated. The Christmas trees have been taken down. But Christmas is not over.