NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Emily Kwong and Jessica Yung about hearing regeneration in fish and lizards, cures for the loneliness epidemic, and the secrets of a radiation-resistant microorganism.
Country artists are great at writing thank ... funny funny riddle / Thank God I'm a country boy," Denver sings. It's one of the all-time great country songs and an easy choice for our 10 Best ...
"Middle seat, middle aisle of the plane. The guy to my left constantly sneezing. But instead of covering it, he would stare ...
alphabets and counting, big kids being big and becoming funny little humans ... "Miles had his arm up, and soooo many of you reached out to say the most beautiful and incredible words I have ...
"Middle seat, middle aisle of the plane. The guy to my left constantly sneezing. But instead of covering it, he would stare ...
Hi to you both. Welcome to the show. Smuni Turan Thank you. Matay de Mayee Thank you for having us. Lilah Raptopoulos Thanks for being here. So I should say Smuni doesn’t speak English.
You can even ogle at volcano art. But you cannot touch the lava. “Whoopity do, Grand Canyon. You are a giant hole in the ground. You were caused by erosion. You don’t have roller coasters or Dippin’ ...
But with foodborne illness from bacteria in food on the rise, there are a few things you can do to prevent bacteria from growing in your leftover dishes. Two more Texas wins in court: sweeping ...
Within the human digestive tract are trillions of bacteria from thousands of different species. These bacteria form ...
"Mirror bacteria" being made in labs could be a looming risk to the health of humanity, scientists have warned. These ...
After a meal of questionable seafood or a few sips of contaminated water, bad bacteria can send your digestive tract into ...