Consumer writer and nature lover Gareth Butterfield explains how to save money and keep birds flocking to your garden ...
Bird baths can unfortunately freeze in the winter, defeating their purpose for the flying critters that visit your yard. Here ...
Want more birds visiting your garden? Here are 9 ways to attract birds to the garden, including native plants, providing food ...
You can also buy bird seed that has red pepper flakes in it. The squirrels do not like the smell or the taste of the red ...
Of course, you can just hang feeders in trees ... The best foods for the birds in your garden Choosing the right foods can be dependent on the time of year, but to simplify things, if you only ...
Another option to prevent pigeons stealing all the food from other birds is to put out things like nyjer seed, suet balls or ...
Bird feeders are a great way to help wildlife, especially in the winter months when food is scarce, but there's an important ...
UK households who enjoy feeding birds in their gardens have been cautioned by wildlife specialists. Experts are advising ...