One of the best Studio Ghibli movies, My Neighbor Totoro, follows the adventures Satsuki and Mei (voiced by Dakota and Elle ...
The Sonic franchise is the rare movie series that’s gotten better and better with each subsequent sequel. In this case, the ...
It is, Crossingham said, fundamentally vital to the films to see the thumbprints on the characters and know that they’re ...
Who needs YouTube videos of people arranging objects in pleasingly symmetrical formations when Jason Momoa has been cast as ...
Yoko Yonaiyama is in charge of the screenplay, and her portfolio includes series like Ya Boy Kongming! and Umamusume: Pretty ...
The most memorable movie characters introduced in the past year all have one core characteristic in common: They’re all brats. And I say that affectionately. There’s no denying that the term ...
We’ve seen a huge cast of characters in the trailer for that movie, and it’s not unreasonable to imagine that Batman could make an appearance as well. If not, there are three other movies ...
The biopic, with Timothée Chalamet as Bob Dylan, is peppered with figures from the folk world and beyond. These are some of ...
Set in Naples, the movie follows the titular character (played at different ages by Celeste Dalla Porta and Stefania Sandrelli) as she navigates love, youth, and family in her home city.
Here's everything you need to know about DC's Lobo, the new character Aquaman actor Jason Momoa will play in the DCU.