In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers from Peking University's School of Materials Science and Engineering, led by Professor Jin-Hu Dou, have synthesized a novel non-van-der-Waals ...
Lithium-ion batteries are a remarkable technological success story. With improving performance and plunging costs over the last decade, they have helped to transform modern life, powering cell phones, ...
In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers from Peking University's School of Materials Science and Engineering, led by Professor Jin-Hu Dou, have ...
High graphitization demonstrates that the composition of the graphite lattice is highly organized and of a uniform crystal structure, which results in improved physical and chemical characteristics.
as high graphitization demonstrates that the composition of the graphite lattice is highly organized and of a uniform crystal structure which results in improved physical and chemical characteristics.
The discovery occurred in a semimetallic material with unique properties: ZrSiS, a crystal made of zirconium, silicon, and sulfur. This material has a layered structure, comparable to graphite or the ...
High graphitization demonstrates that the composition of the graphite lattice is highly organized and of a uniform crystal structure, which results in improved physical and chemical characteristics.
as high graphitization demonstrates that the composition of the graphite lattice is highly organized and of a uniform crystal structure which results in improved physical and chemical characteristics.
The method successfully reproduced the distinctive crystal structures of both carbon (graphite and diamond) and silicon dioxide (low-quartz, low-cristobalite, and coesite). It worked. However ...