The company just filed a patent which could revolutionize AI GPU technology, and the stock seems ridiculously undervalued. Last time, I gave AMD a Buy rating based on its valuation and growth outlook.
IDN Times Community adalah media yang menyediakan platform untuk menulis. Semua karya tulis yang dibuat adalah sepenuhnya tanggung jawab dari penulis.
ORGANISASI PBB di bidang Kekayaan Intelektual, World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) dalam publikasinya "Patent Protection for Software-Implemented Inventions Patents PCT-The International ...
PEMERINTAH Jepang memberi perhatian khusus terhadap perkembangan Paten di Indonesia. Saat pertemuan dengan Japan Patent Office (JPO) beberapa hari lalu, mereka menanyakan banyak hal terkait UU 65/2024 ...
The companies stipulated last year that Regeneron was liable for patent infringement if the "safe harbor" defense failed, leaving the amount of damages Regeneron owed to be determined at a future ...
Many, especially those in government research laboratories, are underestimating the importance of the patent and licensing rules that surround tools such as CRISPR. The holders of patents on the ...
Kolkisin merupakan obat anti-inflamasi yang sering diresepkan untuk meredakan nyeri akibat asam urat. Beberapa merek kolkisin yang dikenal di antaranya adalah Colcrys, Gloperba, dan Mitigare. Meskipun ...
It would, they say, be like handing out a recipe without the ingredients or instructions. The patent covers the bare bones of the blue print but not the precise production process. That's crucial ...