Numerous shark species are capable of inflicting mortal ... One fatality is reported by the International Shark Attack File. Shortfin mako sharks are known for their exceptional speed, agility ...
The two species are kind of like lions and hyenas ... There’s probably some number of mako sharks that would be fine to catch and kill. But we don’t know if it’s 100, or 1,000, or 100,000.” ...
Arguably, as one of the most menacing-looking of the shark species with its pronounced pointed snout and large black eyes, ...
The newly protected species include mako sharks, wedgefishes and guitarfishes. A demand for shark fin soup is one of the driving factors in the depleting numbers of sharks in the ocean.
WASHINGTON— The highly imperiled shortfin mako shark was denied federal protection today by NOAA Fisheries, which stated that a listing under the federal Endangered Species Act is “not warranted.” In ...
LA PAZ, Mexico— The Center for Biological Diversity filed a petition today seeking protection for the shortfin mako shark and warty sea cucumber under Mexico’s Standard NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, the ...
The young mako shark traveled more than 750 miles in 54 days, even though it was likely only 1 or 2 years old. This means that protecting nursery areas might not be enough because these young ...
At CoP18 in August 2019, 18 species of sharks and rays—including shortfin and longfin mako sharks, six species of guitarfish, and 10 species of wedgefish—were added to Appendix II, thus gaining some ...
Number of species: There are well over 350 known species ... can attain speeds approaching 20 mph; mako sharks (Isurus sp.) are thought to be even faster. Youngest shark to bite a human: A marine ...
This is known as oophagy ('egg eating') and occurs in species including the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and bigeye thresher sharks (Alopias superciliosus). Embryos of other sharks survive by ...