The Chicago Boat Show may have jumped ship for Rosemont, but the center's executive director says he isn't interested in ...
Chicago Boat Show is now moored to Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont after nearly a century of calling Chicago's McCormick Place it's home harbor.
What makes the oldest and easternmost building of the McCormick Place Convention Center Complex so beautiful is also what ...
both connected to the McCormick Place convention center, will be the official headquarters hotels for the convention, Aug. 19-22. Why it matters: That makes those hotels the base of operations for ...
It was the night of Wednesday, Oct. 4 last year, when 961 birds died all in one night after crashing into the windows at the McCormick Place Lakeside Center. Officials want to prevent that from ...
WASHINGTON— The Center for Biological Diversity today sent a letter urging the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, which owns Chicago’s McCormick Place Lakeside Center, to immediately ...