In the current report, we present 24 patients with intrahepatic bile duct dilation and no mass lesion demonstrated on US or CT who underwent resectional treatment under the diagnosis of presumed ...
Steroids didn’t work and Dr Sadoughi tried a balloon Eustachian tube dilation surgery under local anesthesia. ‘It was so excruciatingly painful, because I have a deviated septum, that I ...
The stricture usually causes a high-grade or complete obstruction with marked proximal dilation. However, some authors have suggested that cholangiographic appearance of a biliary stricture is not ...
What Is Knee Replacement Surgery? You can't move like you used to. It's painful to walk the dog, climb a flight of stairs, or simply get out of a chair. You've tried medicines, injections ...
Your risk is also higher if you have a healthcare provider that is inexperienced at performing the surgery. Prior to the esophageal dilation, you will need to fast. This means you can't have food or ...
The Division of Trauma & Acute Care Surgery works closely with the departments of Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, Otolaryngology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Urology. Together with ...
University of Utah Health's plastic surgery specialists offer the highest quality services from specialty-trained surgeons and certified estheticians. Cosmetic and reconstructive procedures range from ...
The most successful therapies are pneumatic dilation and surgical myotomy. The advantages of pneumatic dilation include an outpatient procedure, minimal pain, return to work the next day, mild if any ...
Robotic surgery (also called robotic-assisted surgery) is perhaps the most cutting-edge medical technology of modern times. The most widely used system today involves a camera and the use of very ...