A cold tit for tat MEMEs were launched between Russia and Ukraine. A MEME war on social media was first launched by the Twitter official page of Ukraine the country; The MEME has angered Russia ...
Russia has pledged to respond after it claimed to have shot down eight US-supplied ATACMS missiles fired by Ukraine at its border region of Belgorod. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has ...
As the third year of war in Ukraine nears a close as the new year approaches and ahead of the Feb. 24, 2025, anniversary date, new battle lines have once again been established after Russia made ...
Foreign systems, such as the American Javelin anti-tank missile system or the British NLAW have gotten all the notoriety for helping Ukraine, notably at the start of the war, stunt the Russian ...
As part of an increase in security assistance, the United States is providing Ukraine with a US$1.25 billion military aid ...
Russia is desperate for new soldiers to carry on its brutal war in Ukraine. In a remarkable development, the country has devised a kind of “get out of jail free” card in a bid to hoover up new ...
“This year, the Russians paid the highest price for the war against Ukraine, as our army and all of our defence and security forces of Ukraine destroyed more enemy equipment and manpower than in ...
That day was not only the beginning of the war in Ukraine; it was the moment when Europe had to understand that an attack on Ukraine is also an attack on the values, stability, and security of the ...
At least three feminist activists were detained on Friday after vandalizing a monument outside the United Nations complex in Geneva to protest Russia's war against Ukraine and what they see as the ...
In the Ukraine war, drones are causing all sorts of mayhem in the air, on the ground, and at sea. The drones being used in this conflict gather intel, provide targeting data, cripple ships and ...
The "Ghost of Pyongyang" is a satirical term and internet meme that emerged ... involvement in Ukraine. The term plays off the mythos of the "Ghost of Kyiv," a celebrated but unverified fighter pilot ...
A version of this story appeared in the daily Threat Status newsletter from The Washington Times. Click here to receive Threat Status delivered directly to your inbox each weekday. OPINION: On the ...