The Alien movie franchise has become iconic for its sci-fi-horror imagery – built around its official “mascot,” the Xenomorph. The black-skinned, eyeless, and serpentine-like creatures have inspired ...
The definitive list of alien-hunting films for anyone seeking a thrilling sci-fi movie packed with action, horror, and ...
From 'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars' to superheroes and clones, it's set to be a busy 2025 on screens both big and small.
Science fiction movies are often the home of the major franchises, but it has to be said that the franchise fair this year ...
Sci-fi movies have shone on-screen in 2024 with franchise sequels like Dune Part Two and Alien: Romulus making waves.
Movies about aliens have long been a favorite for sci-fi fans, often blending action, adventure, thriller, or even horror to deliver an engaging and intense experience. Unlike the distinct ...
The Alien franchise isn’t associated with the holiday season, but it has a duo of Christmas connected movies. When it comes to sci-fi/horror movies, most tend to gravitate to any time of the year – ...
Amy Adams, star of the brilliant 'Arrival, gives her thoughts on the sci-fi genre by naming some of her favourite movies of ...
The film has been hailed as director Steven Spielberg's 'best movie' and it will be available to watch for free on Christmas ...
The first Bollywood movie based on aliens' was not Koil Mil Gaya, but a film released in 1967. Scroll down to know the name.
The horror director has a somewhat surprising favorite movie of 2024.