The Medical Reserve Corps of Northeast Tennessee and the Carter County Disaster Animal Response Team (CC DART) hosted an ...
Commercial property owners in Connecticut are absorbing some of the biggest insurance hikes in the United States, according to a new study, reflecting both escalated costs to repair damage as a result ...
Just one-third of Americans have a disaster preparedness plan that includes their pet, according to new research.
Though well short of what this Twin City and other communities that sustained serious infrastructure damage required, it was ...
Amazon activates Disaster Relief Hub and provides rapid aid to regions following Storm Boris’ heavy rain and floods.
South Korea’s New Patent Uses Ground-Based Drones and Airborne Cameras to Rebuild Networks for Search and Rescue by DRONELIFE Staff Writer Ian J. McNab In disaster response situations, re-establishing ...
Mayors from 10 states along the Mississippi River convened in Louisiana’s capital this week to announce a cooperative ...
In today’s rapidly changing environment, hospitals face an increasing number of risks, from natural disasters like Hurricane ...
As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  In that spirit, what follows are certain pay and leave issues ...
The Georgia Senate subcommittee on Disaster Mitigation meets for its first session to address natural disasters.
The state of Michigan has been awarded $17.4 million through the Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund program, for fiscal year 2024 which will create a loan fund for the Michigan State Police, ...
LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - Michigan has been awarded more than $17 million to help local communities reduce risks from natural ...