This incident follows a series of norovirus outbreaks on other cruise lines in recent weeks. The CDC recommends frequent handwashing and disinfecting surfaces to prevent the spread of norovirus.
Norovirus is spiking across the United States this winter. Also referred to as the “winter vomiting bug”, norovirus is a highly contagious virus that spreads via contaminated surfaces, food ...
Those with typical norovirus symptoms can generally let the illness run its course. However, if they have blood in the stool, high fevers, shortness of breath or other unusual symptoms ...
Norovirus, commonly known as the stomach bug, may be hitting Canadians harder this time of year with reported cases rising above previous averages, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada ...
Norovirus is in the stool or vomit of someone infected and can be on a person's hands and spread to others. The virus can be spread by eating food or drink that has been contaminated with ...
Cases of gastrointestinal illness, with norovirus as a likely culprit, are rising in Lancaster County and across much of the nation. In the 14 states tracked through the Center for Disease Control ...
Norovirus, also known as the Norwalk virus, is a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and stomach pain. In some cases, it can also cause fever, headache, and body aches ...
Cases of the highly contagious norovirus are on the rise in the U.S. as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a significant jump in outbreaks in early December, according to the ...
Once infected, a person can shed billions of norovirus particles in their vomit and stool. “It takes a very small number of (particles) to initiate an infection,” says Schaffer. People become ...
Norovirus outbreak: Norovirus outbreak in parts of US is concerning. It leads to nausea and vomiting. Here's how you can stay safe. Norovirus outbreak: A surge in the outbreak of Norovirus has ...
The culprit: norovirus, the dreaded and contagious stomach bug that appears to be on the uptick across the northeast in the past few weeks. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control ...
Cases of norovirus, a wretched and highly contagious stomach bug, are surging in parts of the United States this winter, according to government data. The most recent numbers from the U.S. Centers ...